
Beneficiary name: Hoitsy és Rieger Kft.

Project Title: Crisis Support for Hoitsy and Rieger Ltd.

Project ID: MAHOP-5.3.4-2023-2023-00178

Aid amount: HUF 6.430.800

Intensity: 100%

Project completion date: 07.12.2023.12.2023.

A short presentation of the project:

The current war of Russian aggression against Ukraine has shown the vulnerability of society to sudden changes in the environment and the need to prevent and build resilience to future crises. The aquaculture sector has also been negatively affected by the measures introduced in Hungary and other EU countries.

In 2022, the market for aquaculture inputs has undergone extraordinary changes that have adversely affected Hungarian farmers, including Hoitsy and Rieger Ltd.

The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund will provide financial compensation to operators in the fisheries and aquaculture sector for the loss of income and additional costs incurred as a result of the market disruption caused by the war launched by Russia against Ukraine and its impact on the supply chain of fisheries and aquaculture products.

Names of beneficiaries:

Bocskai Halászati Kft.

Czikkhalas Halastavai Kft.

Hoitsy és Rieger Kft.

MTA Agrártudományi Kutatóközpont

Szabolcsi Halászati Kft.

Szent István Egyetem

The Fishmarket Halkereskedelmi Kft.

ÖKO 2000 Környezetvédelmi, Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft.

Project title:

Complex development of the aquaculture sector's outlets for competitiveness

Contracted amount of aid:

1.235.313.186,- Ft

Level of support:

82,366 %

Content of the project:

"If aquaculture did not exist, we would have to invent it". The quote is from Maria Damanaki, head of the EU's Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, and underlines the aim that the consortium has set for the project over its 4-year lifetime. Our mission is to carry out market-oriented research and development activities in the aquaculture sector of the Hungarian fisheries sector, to develop and further develop innovative, cost-optimised products, techniques, technologies and methods. On the production side, the aquaculture sector will be represented by fish farms and intensive fish farming companies, while the market penetration will be achieved through the consortium's involvement of fish processing companies. The activities carried out by the for-profit participants will be coordinated and managed by two non-profit research institutions (a higher education institution and a research centre). The project will carry out the planned subtasks in two sub-projects, which will incorporate and implement elements of the farm-to-table concept during the innovation period.

Project implementation period:

2014.01.01. – 2017.12.31.

Project identification number:
